Getting started/Basic Setup


npm i --save @videogular/ngx-videogular

Note: I cannot stress this enough but please check that you're installing ngx-videogular with the @videogular scope. There's an unscoped package published but it has nothing to do with the Videogular org. This repo (the one you're reading this from) is the official one.

Importing the Stylesheet

Old way

   "apps": [
           "styles": [

New way

   "apps": [
           "styles": [

Breaking Changes


All features and the overall code are the same as videogular2 (well, we made some performance improvements but that doesn't change how it behaves).
So if you used and trusted it before, you can expect the same thing.

Import Paths

Old way (module imports)


New way (module imports)

import {SOME_VIDEOGULAR_MODULE} from '@videogular/ngx-videogular/SOME_VIDEOGULAR_MODULE';

Old way (API imports)

import {SOME_VIDEOGULAR_CLASS} from 'videogular2/compiled/SOME_VIDEOGULAR_MODULE';

New way (API imports)

import {SOME_VIDEOGULAR_CLASS} from '@videogular/ngx-videogular/SOME_VIDEOGULAR_MODULE';

For more module-specific API imports, please check out Modules.

Naming Changes

Module Old Name New Name
/core VgPlayer VgPlayerComponent
VgMedia VgMediaDirective
VgAPI VgApiService
VgFullscreenAPI VgFullscreenApiService
VgUtils VgUtilsService
VgControlsHidden VgControlsHiddenService
VgCuePoints VgCuePointsDirective
VgEvents VgEvents
VgStates VgStates
BitrateOption BitrateOptions
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------
/buffering VgBuffering VgBufferingComponent
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------
/controls VgControls VgControlsComponent
VgPlayPause VgPlayPauseComponent
VgPlaybackButton VgPlaybackButtonComponent
VgScrubBar VgScrubBarComponent
VgScrubBarCurrentTime VgScrubBarCurrentTimeComponent
VgScrubBarBufferingTime VgScrubBarBufferingTimeComponent
VgScrubBarCuePoints VgScrubBarCuePointsComponent
VgTimeDisplay VgTimeDisplayComponent
VgUtcPipe VgUtcPipe
VgTrackSelector VgTrackSelectorComponent
VgQualitySelector VgQualitySelectorComponent
VgMute VgMuteComponent
VgVolume VgVolumeComponent
VgFullscreen VgFullscreenComponent
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------
/ima-ads VgImaAds VgImaAdsComponent
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------
/overlay-play VgOverlayPlay VgOverlayPlayComponent
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------
/streaming VgDASH VgDashDirective
VgHLS VgHlsDirective

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