VgControls @Component

Component to display the current time, total time or time left for the current media.


Input Description
vgFor Target media id property to listen to play/pause events (used to auto hide controls). This parameter is optional and only necessary if you have more than one media registered into VgAPI.
vgProperty String value to set the property to display. Possible values are current, total or left. Default is current.
vgFormat String value to define a time mask. Default is mm:ss.

HTML Definition

        <vg-time-display vgFor="my-video" [vgProperty]="'current'" [vgFormat]="'mm:ss'"></vg-time-display>
        <vg-time-display vgFor="my-video" [vgProperty]="'left'" [vgFormat]="'mm:ss'"></vg-time-display>
        <vg-time-display vgFor="my-video" [vgProperty]="'total'" [vgFormat]="'mm:ss'"></vg-time-display>

    <video #myMedia

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