VgCuePoints @Directive

Directive to get events on a track object. VgCuePointsDirective are defined as an attribute in a track element.

VgCuePointsDirective will add cues property to the track element with all the VTTCue objects loaded by the track element. For example, you can use the cues property to list all the cues with a *ngFor or to populate the VgScrubBarCuePointsComponent.


Output Description
onEnterCuePoint Triggered when player time is bigger than start cue point property.
onExitCuePoint Triggered when player time moves to a position lower than cue point start property.

HTML Definition

    <video #media [vgMedia]="media" id="vid" preload="auto">
        <source src="" type="video/mp4">

        <track src="../data/cue-points.vtt" kind="metadata" label="Cue Points" default

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